Monday, November 15, 2010


What a great weekend! I actually took it kind of easy, and made great strides with the apartment.  IKEA was exhausting, but the living room looks great; and my bedroom is nearly done.  I have one corner exactly the way I want it.  I read about Tempaper, which is basically removable wallpaper.  I got it in an orange/ gray art deco pattern, and put up my shelves where I store my jewelry, and various mementos.  (Yes, that’s my birth certificate up top).  It makes me happy.

My new roomie is significantly less interested in decorating than I am, and she said I’m inspiring her.  She told me she basically went through all of law school without bothering to get a sofa- she used a pillow and a box as a table.  That’s her jumping off point for living conditions; she loves the improvements I’ve made to the place so far; and seems awed by how nice it feels to live somewhere nice.

On Friday I did go to a comedy show though- a friend of a friend was one of the comedians.  Because of this connection, we got a reserved table: the closest one to the stage.  My friends stuck me in the first seat.  This puts me in a spot to get heckled anyway, but what made it worse is that I’m used to improve where audience participation is expected.  In stand-up, it’s rhetorical.  Not really understanding this concept, when the comedian asked who takes the bus, I happily raised my hand.  Let the heckling begin! It was hilarious though- I was laughing so hard I was crying profusely… and the comedian brought me some tissues (and heckled some more).  Very therapeutic AND I got an ab workout!  

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