Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So tired... better stay busy!

This weekend was great- I got to see Kelly, Lino and Izzy.  Cecelia I get to see slightly more often, and it’s always awesome.  Even so, it’s always great to hang out with them as a group: good genetics makes for a family of pretty, smart and funny people, which is always good company.  In the evening I went with one of my girlfriends to go see a new musical, ‘Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson.’ It was pretty amazing.

I decided the worst part about moving is… everything.  I have so much stuff! And I have moved already this past year and really pared things down… so how do I still have so much stuff?  Also, for the record: moving on Halloween is probably best avoided in the future.  Lastly, many of my friends are going to a rally in DC this weekend; so… oh well.  The movers are booked, and Obed offered to help too- it should all work out.

I guess the stress is messing with how I’m processing the insulin though, because my sugar levels have been higher than in the past few weeks, all other factors remaining the same.  For example, 2 weeks ago when I had a PB&J for breakfast and 1 unit of Humalog, my post- meal level was at 115.  This morning it was at 160.  Which is not terrible, but I was hoping for some consistency.  (I know, I know: zzzzzzzz).

Anyway, since I’m stressed; instead of packing tonight like I should be, I’m the +1 of my friend Whitney to go see Bare Naked Ladies. Should be fun!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Break the Silence

Sorry for the radio-silence lately.  Coming off an awesome visit with Mom, who is a rockstar! We drove the 6 hours to Palmyra, and I was a bit hesitant to drive, having been somewhat out of practice lately. Mom drove the car through the hear of Manhattan and all the way upstate, navigating around like a pro.  Honestly, she could teach the taxi drivers a thing or two.  The trip itself was amazing, and it was a wonderful experience to get to visit all of the historic sites.  If anyone is interested in visiting for the pageant next year, you have a willing accomplice in me!

Great news: I got the results of my sonogram back: everything looks normal! I’m officially healthy.

In other news, I am moving on the 31st.  Halloween was always my favorite holiday, so hopefully this bodes well.  I am going to have a roommate- she seems really nice.  She’s 29, and a lawyer.  The apartment is further downtown in the east village.  It’s only about a 20 block move, and I am looking forward to it.  The apartment has exposed brick in the living room, and somehow my room even has a private bathroom for me.  Sure, it’s the size of a postage stamp, but this feature itself solves many potential roomie disputes. Yay!