Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Plans

While I will miss terribly mom’s coconut cream pie and rolls; andwould have loved to be in Sequim; things worked out that I will be in NYC for the holidays. I’ll be watching the parade on the TV set- replace ‘Party’ with crowd and this diagram explains why (via http://thisisindexed.com):

 At any rate; I am looking forward to having Thanksgiving with my friend Brenda, who I work with.  She sent the cutest e-mail today, calling it “Girls Thanksgiving Extravaganza” and reiterating what each of us will be bringing. We ladies get things done! Note: it’s the last line of this that I really love).

What: Thanksgiving Dinner @ Brenda's
Date: Thursday, November 25
Time:  5 p.m.
Address: 123 E. 123th Street, Apt 1A (btwn Ave and Ave)

Main Entrees:
§  Turkey (Brenda w/ Lillian prepping) / Gravy (Brenda)
§  Mashed Potatoes (Gigi)
§  Stuffing  (Lillian)
§  Cranberry Sauce (Lillian)
§  Yeast Rolls (Gina)
§  Brussel Sprouts (Andrea)
§  Green Salad (Laura)  <<(score!)
§  Sweet Potatoes (Liz)
·         Pumpkin Donuts with Cream Cheese Glaze (Gina)
·         Apple Pie (Gigi)
·         Coffee

·        Orange, red and yellow knives, forks and spoons

I don’t know why, but it really cracks me up she felt the color of the utensils was important enough to include in the invitation. 

Monday, November 15, 2010


What a great weekend! I actually took it kind of easy, and made great strides with the apartment.  IKEA was exhausting, but the living room looks great; and my bedroom is nearly done.  I have one corner exactly the way I want it.  I read about Tempaper, which is basically removable wallpaper.  I got it in an orange/ gray art deco pattern, and put up my shelves where I store my jewelry, and various mementos.  (Yes, that’s my birth certificate up top).  It makes me happy.

My new roomie is significantly less interested in decorating than I am, and she said I’m inspiring her.  She told me she basically went through all of law school without bothering to get a sofa- she used a pillow and a box as a table.  That’s her jumping off point for living conditions; she loves the improvements I’ve made to the place so far; and seems awed by how nice it feels to live somewhere nice.

On Friday I did go to a comedy show though- a friend of a friend was one of the comedians.  Because of this connection, we got a reserved table: the closest one to the stage.  My friends stuck me in the first seat.  This puts me in a spot to get heckled anyway, but what made it worse is that I’m used to improve where audience participation is expected.  In stand-up, it’s rhetorical.  Not really understanding this concept, when the comedian asked who takes the bus, I happily raised my hand.  Let the heckling begin! It was hilarious though- I was laughing so hard I was crying profusely… and the comedian brought me some tissues (and heckled some more).  Very therapeutic AND I got an ab workout!  

Friday, November 5, 2010

Query: what's the lesser of 2 evils?

I am exhausted! I did NOT prepare well for the move (which went well) and otherwise being a responsible adult- like I should have; I have been continuing to accept social invites: Last week I went to a concert on Tuesday, to an art show on Wednesday, to see Paranormal Activity 2 last night (which my friend hilariously described as the dullness of a French film with an American HD camera.  Yea, it’s not a good movie).  The day before the move I had my overnight shift volunteering.

But the move went well, and is over.  Now I just have to unpack! Here’s the thing though.  I met my new roommate, at our new apartment- and was under the impression that she lived there.  She did not! She is in the process of moving in as well! So, there are 2 girls with many many boxes- mostly clothes.  Instead of fixing my place up this weekend, I am headed to the Catskills with Maria and Aimee.  There is no cell phone service, no internet… and no cable TV! Eeek!  I am taking some Tv series on DVD (Mad Men), and some fun books (again, not being responsible and taking my literature class book).  It should be verrrry relaxing.

On a new note- please share your opinions about this.  A lot of my colleagues have been bringing treats in: for Halloween, specialty pastries from their preferred country-of-origin bakeries (aka Mexican pan dulce, Brazilian… something).  People are super insistent that everyone gets to try some.  My co-workers know I have the diabetes, but obviously its not top-of-mind for them.  The times I have reminded people of this when they are sweetly offering me sweets- I end up feeling horrible after they start making effusive apologies.  I don’t want to make anyone feel bad for doing something that comes naturally and is actually really nice (trying to share yuminess!); so I’ve been accepting the treats, and discreetly throwing them away.  Well. My manager caught me doing this, and thinks its wrong.  People would understand she says, and now I am wasting food. So… what’s the worst offense?  Take food knowing that I will be putting it in the trash OR unintentionally make someone feel bad?  Thoughts?