Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's been a month?

Wow, I'm not sure how a whole month passed by.  Merry Christmas everyone!
While it's hard to be away from family this time of year, I am spending the holiday with friends.  My awesome roomie also stayed in town.  We plus some other friends are going to Brooklyn Bowl- which is a bowling alley, live music venue + fried chicken restaurant.  They have 3 bands playing tonight, so it should be fun.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Plans

While I will miss terribly mom’s coconut cream pie and rolls; andwould have loved to be in Sequim; things worked out that I will be in NYC for the holidays. I’ll be watching the parade on the TV set- replace ‘Party’ with crowd and this diagram explains why (via

 At any rate; I am looking forward to having Thanksgiving with my friend Brenda, who I work with.  She sent the cutest e-mail today, calling it “Girls Thanksgiving Extravaganza” and reiterating what each of us will be bringing. We ladies get things done! Note: it’s the last line of this that I really love).

What: Thanksgiving Dinner @ Brenda's
Date: Thursday, November 25
Time:  5 p.m.
Address: 123 E. 123th Street, Apt 1A (btwn Ave and Ave)

Main Entrees:
§  Turkey (Brenda w/ Lillian prepping) / Gravy (Brenda)
§  Mashed Potatoes (Gigi)
§  Stuffing  (Lillian)
§  Cranberry Sauce (Lillian)
§  Yeast Rolls (Gina)
§  Brussel Sprouts (Andrea)
§  Green Salad (Laura)  <<(score!)
§  Sweet Potatoes (Liz)
·         Pumpkin Donuts with Cream Cheese Glaze (Gina)
·         Apple Pie (Gigi)
·         Coffee

·        Orange, red and yellow knives, forks and spoons

I don’t know why, but it really cracks me up she felt the color of the utensils was important enough to include in the invitation. 

Monday, November 15, 2010


What a great weekend! I actually took it kind of easy, and made great strides with the apartment.  IKEA was exhausting, but the living room looks great; and my bedroom is nearly done.  I have one corner exactly the way I want it.  I read about Tempaper, which is basically removable wallpaper.  I got it in an orange/ gray art deco pattern, and put up my shelves where I store my jewelry, and various mementos.  (Yes, that’s my birth certificate up top).  It makes me happy.

My new roomie is significantly less interested in decorating than I am, and she said I’m inspiring her.  She told me she basically went through all of law school without bothering to get a sofa- she used a pillow and a box as a table.  That’s her jumping off point for living conditions; she loves the improvements I’ve made to the place so far; and seems awed by how nice it feels to live somewhere nice.

On Friday I did go to a comedy show though- a friend of a friend was one of the comedians.  Because of this connection, we got a reserved table: the closest one to the stage.  My friends stuck me in the first seat.  This puts me in a spot to get heckled anyway, but what made it worse is that I’m used to improve where audience participation is expected.  In stand-up, it’s rhetorical.  Not really understanding this concept, when the comedian asked who takes the bus, I happily raised my hand.  Let the heckling begin! It was hilarious though- I was laughing so hard I was crying profusely… and the comedian brought me some tissues (and heckled some more).  Very therapeutic AND I got an ab workout!  

Friday, November 5, 2010

Query: what's the lesser of 2 evils?

I am exhausted! I did NOT prepare well for the move (which went well) and otherwise being a responsible adult- like I should have; I have been continuing to accept social invites: Last week I went to a concert on Tuesday, to an art show on Wednesday, to see Paranormal Activity 2 last night (which my friend hilariously described as the dullness of a French film with an American HD camera.  Yea, it’s not a good movie).  The day before the move I had my overnight shift volunteering.

But the move went well, and is over.  Now I just have to unpack! Here’s the thing though.  I met my new roommate, at our new apartment- and was under the impression that she lived there.  She did not! She is in the process of moving in as well! So, there are 2 girls with many many boxes- mostly clothes.  Instead of fixing my place up this weekend, I am headed to the Catskills with Maria and Aimee.  There is no cell phone service, no internet… and no cable TV! Eeek!  I am taking some Tv series on DVD (Mad Men), and some fun books (again, not being responsible and taking my literature class book).  It should be verrrry relaxing.

On a new note- please share your opinions about this.  A lot of my colleagues have been bringing treats in: for Halloween, specialty pastries from their preferred country-of-origin bakeries (aka Mexican pan dulce, Brazilian… something).  People are super insistent that everyone gets to try some.  My co-workers know I have the diabetes, but obviously its not top-of-mind for them.  The times I have reminded people of this when they are sweetly offering me sweets- I end up feeling horrible after they start making effusive apologies.  I don’t want to make anyone feel bad for doing something that comes naturally and is actually really nice (trying to share yuminess!); so I’ve been accepting the treats, and discreetly throwing them away.  Well. My manager caught me doing this, and thinks its wrong.  People would understand she says, and now I am wasting food. So… what’s the worst offense?  Take food knowing that I will be putting it in the trash OR unintentionally make someone feel bad?  Thoughts?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So tired... better stay busy!

This weekend was great- I got to see Kelly, Lino and Izzy.  Cecelia I get to see slightly more often, and it’s always awesome.  Even so, it’s always great to hang out with them as a group: good genetics makes for a family of pretty, smart and funny people, which is always good company.  In the evening I went with one of my girlfriends to go see a new musical, ‘Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson.’ It was pretty amazing.

I decided the worst part about moving is… everything.  I have so much stuff! And I have moved already this past year and really pared things down… so how do I still have so much stuff?  Also, for the record: moving on Halloween is probably best avoided in the future.  Lastly, many of my friends are going to a rally in DC this weekend; so… oh well.  The movers are booked, and Obed offered to help too- it should all work out.

I guess the stress is messing with how I’m processing the insulin though, because my sugar levels have been higher than in the past few weeks, all other factors remaining the same.  For example, 2 weeks ago when I had a PB&J for breakfast and 1 unit of Humalog, my post- meal level was at 115.  This morning it was at 160.  Which is not terrible, but I was hoping for some consistency.  (I know, I know: zzzzzzzz).

Anyway, since I’m stressed; instead of packing tonight like I should be, I’m the +1 of my friend Whitney to go see Bare Naked Ladies. Should be fun!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Break the Silence

Sorry for the radio-silence lately.  Coming off an awesome visit with Mom, who is a rockstar! We drove the 6 hours to Palmyra, and I was a bit hesitant to drive, having been somewhat out of practice lately. Mom drove the car through the hear of Manhattan and all the way upstate, navigating around like a pro.  Honestly, she could teach the taxi drivers a thing or two.  The trip itself was amazing, and it was a wonderful experience to get to visit all of the historic sites.  If anyone is interested in visiting for the pageant next year, you have a willing accomplice in me!

Great news: I got the results of my sonogram back: everything looks normal! I’m officially healthy.

In other news, I am moving on the 31st.  Halloween was always my favorite holiday, so hopefully this bodes well.  I am going to have a roommate- she seems really nice.  She’s 29, and a lawyer.  The apartment is further downtown in the east village.  It’s only about a 20 block move, and I am looking forward to it.  The apartment has exposed brick in the living room, and somehow my room even has a private bathroom for me.  Sure, it’s the size of a postage stamp, but this feature itself solves many potential roomie disputes. Yay!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

An ultrsound? Really?!

Quick update on my liver: I need to go in and get an ultrasound.  My elevated enzyme levels are much better than they were, but they are still slightly elevated.  Dr. Wallace does not think there is anything sinister going on (which, I have to say, I appreciated the vocab use); but just wants to rule everything out for my piece of mind.  I mentioned it was my birthday weekend (infer as you will), and he said that’s fine and as long as I am responsible (duh) won’t affect any of the test results.

Also, I got my time for this weekends’ 5K: 35:47.  Not too shabby, especially considering there were 20,000 people running through a tunnel.  I'm not saying I would have run any faster had I not been playing dodge-person; but again, infer as you will.

P.S.- I have no idea what is going on with the font in this post; it's annoying me though so I apologize.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Updates and a (should-be) shameful story

I went to the doctor this week, and apparently in a ‘honeymoon’ phase of my insulin treatment.  This basically means everything is going as it ideally should. Yay! I will go back at the end of December for a new A1c test.  My weight is also holding steady- phew!  I also saw my general practitioner, Doctor Wallace (to whom I have thusly resisted asking if he likes cheese) and got a flu shot and some blood work for my liver- fingers crossed that everything is well there.  Dr. Wallace would not even speculate on possible causes, but since the liver basically processes everything, even a small cold or infection can cause the results that I got.  Which I asked about, and basically if there is an issue with the liver it increases the output of a certain type of enzyme which they can detect through the blood work. He was not worried- which is one thing that I really love about my doctors… not like those alarmists at the NYU Diabetes Management Center.  Hmph!

On that note, I actually did something really terrible there this week… but it’s kind of a funny story.  I went and saw the nutritionist at the NYU Diabetes Management Center, and the appointment had been set up 3 weeks earlier.  They gave me a card with my appointment time clearly labeled, and I went to the appointment at 2:00 on Monday as scheduled.  Aaaand the door was locked and lights were out.  I stood there for a bit, kind of confused and finally knocked.  The nutritionist comes out, looks at my card and tells me there was an error- our appointment is not until 3:00.  She is in her office alone, typing away- no other patients or other people at all.  I let her know that I am missing work for this, and it’s really not okay that they got the appointment time wrong; she suggests I call the office to let them know I am going to be late, as she can’t see me until 3:00.  !!!  There’s a Borders bookstore across the street, and being around books always soothes me, so I go and hang out there for the next 45 minutes, and am back at the office promptly at 3:00- where I again have to knock on the locked door.  The woman let’s me in, and says she will be with me in a minute as she goes back into her office and leaves me in the waiting room/ reference library.  I’m pretty incensed at this point, having already missed an hour of work.  So… I’m sorry mom, you definitely taught me better; but I was looking at the reference cookbooks and somehow ended up with one in my bag.  Yes, I took a cookbook to compensate for my loss of time.  At least, that is how I am justifying my thievery.  I might repent take it back since I am supposed to go back in November; but honestly the meeting was so useless that I may not even go back.  I mean, she looked at my meticulous food log and has all sorts of questions about what I was eating.  Basic questions: what nutritionist does not know what Hummus is?  I know it does not make it right… but I have to be honest- I don’t really feel that guilty.  (and for the record, they had multiples of this book- which also makes me feel not-so guilty).

Happy Friday!      

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So it goes

So, I am reading Slaughterhouse Five for a literature class I am taking this fall.  Every time the main character has a particularly terrible account to share, he ends it with ‘So it goes.’ And not to sound like I’m having a pity party over here, as I am reminded weekly through my volunteer shifts how incredibly incredibly lucky I am (for mental health, insurance, people that love and support me)… but I am having a bit of a ‘So it goes’ week.  My agency lost our biggest account, representing 60%+ of our business.  While I am most likely ‘safe’ for the time being, quite a few of my co-workers will not be; and the mood in the office has definitely taken a hit.  So much for not getting stressed out!  Despite being promised that we would have gas in the building by now, I still do not have a functioning stove.  I sent management an e-mail requesting a $300 deduction from October rent for all of the hassle and the extra expense of eating out and I am waiting to hear back.  I won’t be renewing that lease, which just means I have to find a new apartment in January. AND I want to start taking cello lessons and apparently people in NYC don’t rent cellos! Boo.

Ok, so now that I am done with my little pity party… I’ll focus on the positives.  My friend Alli is setting up a get-together for me next Friday which I am exited about; I am going to see Stars this Friday and Belle and Sebastian next Thursday; I am running a 5K Sunday with my friend Devin and have a game night to go to Saturday with Maria.  I am really excited about my literature class.  I was in two book clubs last year that pretty much fell apart… plus they were somewhat lacking in actual conversation being more focused on the social aspect. My dear niece (ahem!) is looking into the cello situation for me via NYU.  And yes, Kenize; this is what FOMO looks like. J (FOMO: fear of missing out; a condition in which you stay ridiculously busy by accepting all social invitations, and seek additional ones).

I feel much better already. So it goes isn't all that bad. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

What a week!

What a week! I have overcome my insulin resistance- basically my body had gotten really used to having high blood sugar.  It seems that now I using the medicine quite efficiently: at the beginning I had to use 1 unit of insulin for every 10 grams of good; after seeing repeated low readings post-meals over the past 2 weeks dr. K kept adjusting it down.  I now need only 1 unit per every 30 grams; and even less if I exercise that day!  My vision has also returned to normal- in sum I’m feeling pretty great.

Now, I know I was way too skinny before- scrawny looking in fact.  Hence the increasing number of ‘eating disorder’ queries I was getting from friends and colleagues.  I have to say, I am a little nervous about going to far the other way now though- I’ve gained 10 pounds since my diagnosis! Hopefully that was just my body holding onto calories in a post-starvation environment. Fingers crossed.  I'm trying to stick to Bob Greene's recommendation of 1,700 calories a day since I have to calorie count now anyway... but I'm hungry with that much food! I do meet with the nutritionist on Monday, so hopefully she can tailor some of the guidelines to me.

In other aspects all is well.  I finished a really good book while I was in Florida; and have firm plans to read and relax some more this weekend.  I’m also going to brunch with my favorite NYU student in the world tomorrow- we’re headed uptown to visit Sylvia’s Soul Food restaurant in Harlem: I’m excited.  I *still* don’t have gas to use the stove in my apartment (no one in the building does) and am trying to get the management company  to reduce next month’s rent as a result.  Work is a bit stressful, but I won’t write about that here.  But kids: don’t pursue a career in advertising. It’s a heartbreaking business! 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to reality

I got back from Florida yesterday- it was awesome!  I even managed to Slolem (spelling??) ski.  To be honest, I’m not sure if it counts since I was only able to stay up for about 5- seconds max, but I will be able to perfect my technique next May when I’ll be back for Mackenzie’s wedding.

Maintaining a healthy eating schedule can be tough on vacation, but everyone was really supportive with my dietary needs, and had stocked up the house with low- sugar and high-protein foods.  In fact, the issue I had most often was dips in my blood sugar level- which apparently is what happens when you are being very active and waterskiing, swimming and jogging on a regular basis!  The only time my sugar levels spiked was a result of too many Georgia peaches.  I just can’t wrap my head around fruit being something I have to monitor… grrr.  In happy news, peanuts are practically carb-free, and Hot Boiled Peanuts were just as delicious as I remember them to be!  I also got to indulge in Scuppernong grapes.  In short, I got all of my Florida panhandle favorites: hot boiled peanuts, juicy Georgia peaches, tart Scuppernongs; waterskiing and hanging out with the family.  I even got to bring home a beautiful painting Dad did of the Chattanooga

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Nothing too interesting to report for now; and I fly to Florida tomorrow.  Pretty sure my internet access will be limited, so come back next Monday for updates!  I am getting a better gauge of how much insulin to take, and this morning woke up to a nearly ideal level of 104. (goal is 90- 100).  Hopefully I’ll be able to maintain this while on vacation.
Thanks to everyone for sending your love and support- it really means sooo much to me.  I have the best family EVER.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor day weekend Gluttony

So my plan to lay low this weekend was a fail- and my sugar levels were all over the place this weekend.  On Saturday i went to a picnic- my lovely friend Heather made lentil sloppy joes (she's vegetarian) and chose the recipe because it included a carb count for me- super sweet.  I saw all the delicious food and did fairly well in estimating the amount of insulin I would need- 3 hours later my level was 89, and I was ready to eat again.  However, i went to a BBQ of another friend.  While it was fairly meat-centric, I still had quite a few carbs: more than I accounted for since my reading was at 229 at bedtime! Way too high.  I need to ask the doctor if I can have post-meal insulin in these cases.

Sunday I worked out (yay!) and met up with a friend for brunch and retail therapy.  My Huevos Rancheros ended up NOT having tortillas in them, which was a complete surprise.  I had taken insulin based on that assumption so ended up having to order toast to compensate.  The toast came with an AMAZING lemon-zest butter, so it all worked out. Anyway, I was doing really well on Sunday, and counted things out really carefully but had a pretty bad scare in the evening with a 56 blood sugar level.  I tested again and it was 52.  Obviously I ate a sugary snack and everything was fine- but it was still pretty scary.  something similar happened on Friday- I am still trying to adjust to exactly how a work-out affects my sugar levels.  

Today I had lunch with Cecelia & her new roomie: so fun to see her and hear about her NYU transition.  Since I jogged this morning I was careful to make sure I ate enough carbs.  My 2 hour post reading is 109, so it seems like I'm getting better.  I'll be building out my meal plan when I have some downtime in Florida- I'll have it down to a science soon enough. 

Friday, September 3, 2010


UUUUUUgh.  I’m not in as great of a mood today.  My eyesight is all kinds of blurry.  I was told to expect this because your eyes kind of adjust to blood sugar levels over time, and now that I am in a normal range my eyes are adjusting.  I can expect this for a few more weeks.  It’s annoying though, because it’s inconsistent.  Sometimes my vision will be super sharp, and sometimes I can’t even focus on anything.  I actually had to take an Advil today since it’s causing some headaches.  Happy for the 3 day weekend and no computer screens.

ALSO, Dr. K just called, and my liver is still showing some inflammation.  I don’t like the sound of that AT ALL.  I know my diet could have been better, but I don’t think I was doing anything so outrageous as to cause myself damage.  I hope.  At my previous visit the doctor says diabetes does not affect the liver.  Between us, I don’t really see how that would be since the liver stores glucose, and I was way over eating sugar (hey! I was starving!).  I have a follow up appointment with my regular physician and with Dr. K- he says it’s nothing to worry about but he understates things.

Hurrican Earl is sending rain this way, I think I’m just going to veg this weekend.  New post on Tuesday.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Doctor Visit

Just got back from Dr. K.  (I asked if I could call him that- it’s easier than Dr. Kinkhabwala.   I am responding really well to insulin, and can begin to incorporate snacks and exercise! I just have to monitor myself to see how my body reacts- everyone does differently- but it’s fantastic news.  I also got a new (fancier) insulin pen that will allow me to administer half units of the medication.  So this morning my breakfast had 35 grams of carbohydrates.  Since I need to take 1 unit of insulin for 10 grams, I had to choose between 3 or 4 units.  Now I can select 3.5.

Onto the numbers: I got the results from my A1c test, which measures how high your sugars have ran over a period of time, a result of 6 or under is normal, even up to 7 is not overly alarming.  Mine was 15, which is ‘extraordinarily high.’  The good doctor reassures me that when the test is conducted again in a few months the levels will be at more normal levels.  I actually really like how non- alarmist my doctor is.  The counselor yesterday had also told me to ask for a glucagon prescription which is good to have on hand in case I pass out from low blood sugar.  That’s how she phrased it.  Dr. K said ‘in case you are unable to assist yourself.’  I like his phrasing better.

Anyway, feeling good today!

In other news though, I still don’t have a working stove- which is obviously compromising my ability to cook! So, I have been eating out more than is ideal.  Well, the news today is that they actually have to break down the wall in my apartment to get at something wrong in with the gas pipes.  I can only imagine the horror I will be going home to tonight.  Ugh!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Diabetes Management- Consultation Meeting

This morning I had my first consultation at the NYU Diabetes Management Center.  I have to say… it was not very helpful.  The person that I met with was very very nice, and sent me off with a bunch of ‘goodies,’ like a back-up blood sugar monitor, and some of the shorter length needles that I like better than what I got at the pharmacy.  However, a lot of the things she said were just going over information that my doctor already provided, such as 1 carb= 15 grams of carbohydrates- but she would not tell me how many carbohydrates I should be eating in a day.  Since I am on insulin management, I adjust the insulin based on how many carbohydrates I eat.  She stressed to eat ‘healthy,’ and while I know the food pyramid- I am still really struggling with figuring out exactly what I should be eating!  The issue is only exacerbated by the fact that my body was craving carbs and sugars in all forms for the past few months- since the energy I should have been getting from that food was unusable without the insulin.  So when my case manager asked what I typically ate, I thought it was a little bit pointless as I know that’s not how I should eat, nor would it be typical had I not had diabetes.  Duh! She also wanted to know what my blood sugar level routine pattern looked like.  I told her I don’t really have a pattern at this point, as I have only had 4 days of monitoring.  Sheesh.  Honestly, I just want to be told what to do since I am feeling ever so slightly overwhelmed; but that’s not my case manager’s problem and I should not be putting it on her.  

Good news is that I have an appointment with a Dietician on the 20th.  That’s the earliest I could get an appointment, and it is almost 3 weeks away.  So I stopped by Borders on my way into work and picked up Bob Greene’s The Best Life Guide to Managing Diabetes, and You Don't Have to be Diabetic to Love This Cookbook.  A little homework for me!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This is new: hypoglycemia!

So, I actually had my first experience with hypoglycemia last night.  I had more insulin with my dinner than I had carbs, and 2 hours later at my next reading I was at a blood sugar level of 87.  I kind of figured I was low since I was feeling a little shaky: good thing I start my nutrition class tomorrow so I will be able to better judge how many carbs are in each meal and how to balance it out.  At any rate, I ate a rice pudding and felt fine- no worries.  I adjusted my dose of nighttime insulin: I spoke with me doctor this afternoon and he said that was fine in that case, and we’ll work though how to figure out the right dose.
The great news is that I am responding well to the medication, and I am not overly sensitive to it.  I am also not averse to needles- so I’m kind of the perfect candidate for this type of disorder.
I’m going out to eat tonight again- I should have a working stove by Thursday!- and this time I am previewing the menu so I can better gauge how much insulin to have pre-meal.  Ha ha, a whole new type of pre-gaming. 

Monday, August 30, 2010


I just got diagnosed on Friday with Diabetes type 1.  Given that this used to be called Juvenile Diabetes, and I turn 32 in a month, you can imagine this was *not* the news I was expecting to hear from my doctor! Most people are diagnosed much, much younger.
I have to admit, when the doctor told me the news I held it together for about 15 minutes as he explained how insulin works in a functioning body, and how I would need to administer pre-meal insulin shots (3 times a day, plus a bedtime shot!0 for the foreseeable future.  I did not shed a tear… until he said the words, ‘no snacks.’  This would not be the cause of tears for most people, but for me it was terrible. I love food. LOVE food! Granted, this no snacking policy is only for the next month, as my blood sugar levels need to stabilize so my doctor can determine my baseline levels.  In fact, for the next month I am restricted to:
  • No snacking
  • No exercise (I’m sad about this too. Good stress reliever)
  • No desert
  • No alcohol
Some of these will be harder to keep than others.

In case you were wondering just how bad things were: in a functioning body, the fasting blood sugar level is 90-100.  Mine was 301.  I am fortunate that I have medical insurance, and I have a doctor that so far seems amazing: I was diagnosed Friday and he had me call every day over the weekend and have him paged to check in; and he adjusted my insulin levels based on my feedback.  The good news is that the levels are gong way down: this morning I was at 119. The bad news is that I really don’t know how to eat.  Like, seriously.  I did not know lettuce had carbs.  Carbs are apparently going to be my be-all end-all for a while, since the amount of insulin I take pre-meal needs to be calculated based on the amount of carbohydrates that will be in my meal.  This will make eating out kind of tricky.  For that matter, it will take eating in tricky! Wish me luck as I learn to manage.

The Diabetic Foodie