Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's growing!

Not much to report here, but wanted to report that hair does indeed grow back.  The great news: not only is it getting longer, it's actually gotten much much thicker in these past few months- more so than since I was a teenager.  Thanks to Mom for traipsing all over Palmyra and NYC searching for gelatin and lecithin with me!


  1. HOORAH! So much of my hair fell out with my last pregnancy. It's growing back and the top half of the hair is super thick and curly, with the bottom part stringy and thin - so weird and amazing they way the body works.

  2. Thank you Erin! By the way, I got the baby photos you sent: THANK YOU!

    Kath- when I look at photos from before the diagnosis and pre-haircut.... stringy & thin was all I had! The human body is amazing.
